  • Marketplaces: Where to start? When buying physically we have two possibilities. Either we go to a specific store, which does not have to be close to other establishments, or we go to a shopping center, a space where all kinds of stores are brought together. In this sense, the shopping center acts as a kind of super store in which all kinds of establishments share space, making sales easier and shopping more accessible. Something similar happens with marketplaces, which are presented as a kind of macro digital shopping center…
  • Hardware retailers recognize that they have to digitize to reach the consumer in 2021 The new scenario opened after the health crisis and the impact it has had on the world economy has redefined in a matter of months the medium and long-term business strategies of the retail sector. According to the study “The challenges of retail in 2021: Opportunities to make a new vision for the sector come true”, carried out by Esade Creapolis, the Esade innovation park, with the collaboration of the technological consultancy Seidor, 8 out of 10 Retailers consider that the main challenges in the…
  • The sector of hardware, bathroom & kitchen equipment and HVAC systems sees diversification in the sale key The companies in the hardware and industrial supply sector, bathroom and kitchen equipment, and ventilation and air conditioning systems of amec have met to evaluate the end of 2020 and share their forecast with respect to 2021. In 2020 there has been a rebound in the Home reforms, driven among other motivations by the greater time that citizens have spent at home as a result of confinement and the pandemic, and the accumulated savings of families due to the inability to travel. However, it has not…
  • Hardware and DIY overcoming (for now) the coronavirus crisis During the presentation to the press of the next edition of the International Hardware Fair-Eisenwarenmesse 2021, Wolfgang J. Kirchhoff, president of the Advisory Board of the Koelnmesse released the main figures for the first months of 2020 of the sectors represented at the fair, both in Europe and Germany.
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